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2023-05-11 04:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Artificial intelligence:Sickies calledAn algorithm candiagnosea cold from changes in someone’s voice【1】Faking sickness is about to get harder. Sneaking a day off work bynervouslycoughingdown the phone to your boss might no longer cut the mustard—very soon your company might be able to tell whether or not yoursymptomsare real, just from the sound of your voice.【2】As anyone who haswokenup with arunnynose and a voice like Darth Vader canattest,infectionwith the common coldvirusaltershow a person’s voice sounds. That is because the vocal cords often becomeinflamed, which changes theiracousticproperties. Thetissuetemporarilyswells and, therefore,vibratesat a lower pitch, which tends to make people with a cold develop a deeper voice.【3】A research team at the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology in Surat, India, tried todecodeexactly how a “cold voice” differs from a healthy voice. Their research makes use of the fact that human speech, like any musicalinstrument, does not produce singlefrequenciesof sounds. Even the best trainedsingerscannot hit pure notes like those that come fromtuningforks. Thedominantnotes in the human voice are insteadaccompaniedby a series of higher-pitchedovertones.【4】Together these sets of notes fit into mathematicalpatternscalledharmonics, withovertoneshavingfrequenciesthat aremultiplesof the original note. For example, the pitch of the secondharmonicnote is twice thefrequencyof the main note and so on. Theamplitude(loudness) of theseharmonicsin speech tends todiminishas theyproceedup thefrequencyscale. The team of researchers, led by Pankaj Warule, an electronic engineer, reasoned thatinfectionwith a cold mightalterhow thisattenuationhappened.【5】To find out, the scientists made use of anunusualresource:recordingsof the voices of630people in Germany,111of whom were suffering from a cold. Each was asked to count from one to40and describe what they did at the weekend. They also read aloud Aesop’sfable“The North Wind and the Sun”, which has been a popular text for phonetics research since1949.【6】By breaking down each person’s speech into itsspectrumofcomponentwavelengths, the researchers couldidentifythedominantfrequencyand theharmonicsin each case. They then used machine-learningalgorithmsto analyse the relationships between theamplitudesof theseharmonicsand foundpatternsthat coulddistinguishthe cold voices from the healthy voices. They reported their work in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.【7】It is not just the common cold that can bediagnosedfrom speech in this way. Other scientists are looking at how conditions from Parkinson’s disease anddepressionto head and neck cancers can also affect thepatternsoffrequenciesin a person’s voice. It is part of a wider effort by medics,psychiatristsand computer scientists toremotelydetect biomarkers fordiseasesin data collected on how people talk, write and even walk.【8】The Indian team’sdiagnosisof cold voice is not yetfoolproof. The results show it can correctlydiagnosea cold up to around70% of the time. Faced with anotherdrearyMonday at the office, would you take the risk?

①短语:1.原文:Sneaking a day off work by nervously coughing down the phone to your boss might no longer cut the mustard.

词典:cut the mustard 如所期待的那么好;符合要求

例句:Other magazines have tried to copy the formula but have never quitecut the mustard.


2.原文:The tissue temporarily swells and, therefore, vibrates at a lower pitch, which tends to make people with a cold develop a deeper voice.

词典:tend to do sth 往往会做某事;倾向于做某事

例句:A problem for manufacturers is that lighter carstend tobe noisy.


3.原文:Together these sets of notes fit into mathematical patterns called harmonics, with overtones having frequencies that are multiples of the original note.

词典:fit into 融入;归属,适于(种情形或体系)

例句:Most film locations broadlyfit intotwo categories; those on private property and those in a public place.


4.原文:They then used machine-learning algorithms to analyse the relationships between the amplitudes of these harmonics and found patterns that could distinguish the cold voices from the healthy voices.

词典:distinguish A from B 区分A和B;A有别于B

例句:There is something about music thatdistinguishesitfromall other art forms.



1.原文:Their researchmakes use of the factthathuman speech, like any musical instrument, does not produce single frequencies of sounds.

分析:本句包含一个同位语从句。主句为“Their researchmakes use of the fact”;“thathuman speech... sounds”为同位语从句,对the fact进行解释说明。


2.原文:Theythenusedmachine-learning algorithmsto analyse the relationships between the amplitudes of these harmonics andfoundpatternsthatcould distinguish the cold voices from the healthy voices.

分析:本句包含一个限制性定语从句。主句为“Theyusedmachine-learning algorithmsandfoundpatterns”;“to analyse... these harmonics ”为目的状语;“thatcould ... healthy voices”为限制性定语从句,修饰patterns。



The amplitude (loudness) of these harmonics in speech tends todiminishas theyproceed upthe frequency scale.


The team of researchers, led by Pankaj Warule, an electronic engineer, reasoned that infection with a cold might alter how thisattenuationhappened.

电子工程师潘卡杰·瓦鲁尔(Pankaj Warule)领导的研究团队推断,感冒可能会改变振幅衰减的发生方式。

生词: diminish v.减少,减弱

proceed v.继续做

attenuationn.衰减;减弱 动词形式为attenuate“使减弱;使减少”


proceed up表示“继续向上”,可引申为“增加;上升”。

proceed to do sth表示“继续做某事”

proceed against 表示“提起诉讼;起诉”

例句:The government strives to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency in all sectors in order to attenuate the negative effects of climate change
















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